Mongolia: Continue to increase the transfer number of Zamyn Uud Erlian trains and increase export transport to China

Increasing Mongolia's export transport is of great significance for Mongolia to expand its economic scale and promote development. Recently, the reporter contacted Mo Chaolumeng, director of the transportation organization department of Ulaanbaatar Railway Group, to learn about the work of the enterprise in increasing export transportation.


Засгийн газрын өнөөдрийн хуралдаанаар Аялал жуулчлалын тухай хуулийн шинэчилсэн найруулгын төслийн танилцуулгыг сонссон байна.

Mongolia donates 30,000 sheep to China for handover work

​Under the close cooperation between China and Mongolia, after more than half a year of careful preparations, 30,000 sheep donated by Mongolia to support China's fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic have officially begun to be handed over to China.

What is the market prospect of electric vehicles in Uzbekistan?

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( to the National Statistics Committee, from January to June 2021, Uzbekistan imported 268 electric vehicles from abroad. This number is an increase of 230 people over the same period last year.